Flora Funga Podcast
Hosted by KK
Hello my scientists.
I’m (KK) Kaitlyn Kuehn a plant biologist looking to bridge the gap between plants, fungi, and humans.
I have a thirst for mycology, (the study of fungi) and would love to educate the importance of plant and fungi interactions. Mushrooms and plants can and will help save the planet one hyphae at a time.
Mushrooms can help breakup plastics and radiation . Plants can communicate above and below ground with other plants and fungi. Without their connections we would not be able to grow food for the population nor have flowers around the world.
Did you know that the smell of fresh cut grass is actually the plant yelling for help? or the plants have some of the same disease genes as us?
If you like to get down and nerdy with plants, fungi, and other science facts find my podcast, “Flora Funga Podcast."
Listen up!
If you like to get down and nerdy with plants, fungi, and other science topics you’ve found the right podcast for YOU, “Flora Funga Podcast."
-Happy Binging-

156: The Flying Fungi: What's it like Skydiving on 20G of Shrooms?

151: Beyond the Roots: How Mycelium Redefines Plant & Fungal Connections with Melissa Ketelsen

150: The Truth About Psychedelics the Media Won’t Tell You- Satire Approach with Dennis Walker

149: Microdosing for Depression, Addiction, and Anxiety in Mexico

145: How is Nature Against the Law? DECRIMINALIZE NATURE

137: Ergothioneine: The Most Important Nutrient You Have Never Heard of!

125: AI is Publishing DEADLY Mushroom ID books

121: Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms?

119: Should I Feel my Micro Dose? Benefits?

117: How Semi Trailers can be Converted into Mushroom Fruiting Chambers
113: Using Mushrooms to Heal the Soil: Mycoremediation

108: BONUS| Making Mushroom Manicotti with a World Renowned Chef

107: NEW Listener Perspective: How Can Plants & Mushrooms Help Multiple Sclerosis?

104: BONUS| Why Ego Is GOOD--Finding Your Purpose with Mushrooms

102: BONUS| Benefits of Mushrooms— Compilation

99: Making Chairs and Houses Out of Mushrooms?!
97: You're Never too Young or Old to Start Foraging| Mason Goes Mushrooming

95: REWIND: Christmas Special--Santa Was a Shaman!

91: Holistic Strategies: Preventing Cancer with Flora & Funga