121: Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms?

Angela Ardolino, a certified holistic pet health coach and expert in cannabis and fungi medicine, has over 20 years of experience in holistic pet care. A graduate of the University of Vermont's Medical Cannabis for Therapeutic Use program, she is a passionate advocate for safe, natural, and ethically-grown plant and mushroom medicine for pets. Angela hosts the podcast "Your Natural Dog," where she educates pet parents on holistic care. Her journey into plant medicine began with treating her own rheumatoid arthritis with cannabis, leading her to found CBD Dog Health in 2018, offering full-spectrum hemp extract CBD products for pets. Motivated by her dogs' health challenges, Angela also launched MycoDog, a line of sustainable mushroom extract and adaptogen tinctures for dogs, created in collaboration with mycologist Jason Scott.

The Surprising Benefits of Mushrooms for Dogs: What You Need to Know

Today we chat with Angela Ardolino, a holistic pet expert and plant medicine educator, about the remarkable benefits of mushrooms for dogs. With over 20 years of experience, Angela shares her insights on how mushrooms can enhance your dog's health and well-being.

Why Mushrooms Are a Game-Changer for Your Dog

Mushrooms are not just a trendy superfood for humans—they're also incredibly beneficial for dogs. Angela explains that mushrooms like Lion’s Mane, Turkey Tail, and Reishi are packed with nutrients that support gut health and the immune system. Just three grams of mushrooms can feed your dog’s gut microbiome for 13 days, helping to keep them healthy and resilient.

These mushrooms work as both functional food and functional medicine. When used regularly, they train your dog’s immune system to recognize and fight off harmful bacteria, viruses, and toxins. Angela shares how she used a combination of medicinal mushrooms and cannabis to support her dog Nina, who was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. Despite the grim prognosis, Nina lived well beyond expectations with a good quality of life.

How to Safely Incorporate Mushrooms into Your Dog’s Diet

If you’re considering adding mushrooms to your dog’s diet, start with whole, locally sourced mushrooms. Chop them up, cook them with a little olive oil or ghee, and mix them into your dog’s food. For more targeted benefits, look into high-quality mushroom tinctures that use dual extraction methods to preserve all the beneficial compounds.

Angela emphasizes the importance of choosing products that are grown on the right substrates, like wood, and are free from contaminants. Always look for a Certificate of Analysis (COA) to ensure the product's safety and quality.

Five Ingredients to Never Feed Your Dog

Angela also highlights five ingredients that should never be fed to dogs:

  1. Chocolate: Toxic due to theobromine.

  2. Xylitol: Can cause severe hypoglycemia and liver failure.

  3. Raisins and Grapes: Potentially lead to kidney failure.

  4. Onions: Can cause anemia by damaging red blood cells.

  5. Prescription Medications: Many human medications are dangerous for dogs and should only be given under a vet’s guidance.


Angela’s message is clear: with the right knowledge, pet owners can use natural remedies like mushrooms to significantly improve their dogs' health. For more information, check out Angela’s products at CBD Dog Health and Mushroom Dog, and listen to her podcast, “Your Natural Dog.”

If you found this episode helpful, please like, subscribe, and share it with others who care about their pets' well-being!

Mushrooms| Fungi| Health| Functional Health| Medicinal| Medicine| Podcast| China| Dogs| Cannabis| CBD| Substrate Matters| Flora Funga Podcast|




CBD Dog Health


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Just trying to bridge the gap between plants, fungi, and humans.


122: REMIX--Are There Only 2 Genders?
