Episode 1: What is a Plant?
A plant is a multicellular living eukaryotic organism that belong to the kingdom Plantae that mostly uses photosynthesis to acquire energy. They usually have stems, leaves, and roots. Plants are important to the world and humans because they provide us with fruits, vegetables, and help mitigate climate change. Listen to the whole episode to learn more about what makes a plant.
Hello my scientists,
Today we talk about what a plant is and how they evolved from the Big Bang to the present. I go over parts of a plant, some fun flora facts, juicy news, quote a scientist, and this weeks book recommendation. Join me on this wild ride as we dive into episode 1.
Juicy News:
Faculty of Science - University of Copenhagen. "Researchers discover the secret of how moss spreads." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 10 November 2020. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201110112514.htm
Quote a Scientist:
"I am turned into a sort of machine for observing facts and grinding out conclusions."
-Charles Darwin
Book recommendations:
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