134: Recap of Oklahoma and Olympic Peninsula Fungi Festival

This month has been my on "tour" mushroom month. I had a blast visiting Georgia, Oklahoma, and Olympic Peninsula Fungi festivals these past few weeks. I met some amazing new friends as well as connected deeper wit older ones. If I chatted with you one of these weekends about coming on the podcast and you don't hear from me for a week--hit me up!

Fill out the nominations to vote for different categories! You could be a winner!

Juicy NEWS: Plant guard cells can count environmental stimuli

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***I am an affiliate with ENERGYBITS (your daily algae tablet packed with nutrients)  go visit this link and use code FLORAFUNGA at checkout for 20% off***

Get 20% off Sovereignty use code

Zbiotics: "FLORA10"
Drink ZBiotics before drinking alcohol-Alcohol produces acetaldehyde, a byproduct that your next day

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Email me to be on the podcast or inperson Interview: floraandfungapodcast@gmail.com


New audio done by Reflect--go show him some support!
<<Reflect on>>
-Soundcloud 2

Help support my plant buying habit by "Buying me a Plant"
a twist on buy me a coffee


Just trying to bridge the gap between plants, fungi, and humans.


135: !BEWARE! How Can Stores Sell "Psychedelic" Mushroom Products?!


133: Is the Mycology Community in Europe Truly That Inclusive?